While extroverts may have a more natural inclination towards socializing and being in groups, it’s not necessarily true that they have an advantage over introverts when it comes to social skills and conversations.
Introverts can be just as skilled in social situations as extroverts, but they may approach them differently. Introverts may take a more thoughtful and deliberate approach to social interactions, taking time to listen and process information before responding. They may also be more attuned to nonverbal cues and emotions, which can be an asset in communication.
On the other hand, extroverts may be more comfortable initiating conversations and making small talk, but they may not always be as attuned to others’ emotions or listening skills as introverts are.
In the end, social skills and conversation abilities are not solely determined by introversion or extroversion. They are skills that can be learned and developed through practice and experience, regardless of one’s personality type.